Color splash photos are those that have been converted to black and white, but one object has been left colored. Sometimes, it's easy to just isolate your colored object and you're done. Other times, more editing is required, such as adjusting color levels/light/shadow/etc.
This is an open themed link-up, so there won't be any specific themes for your photos. Any photo is fine, as long it was taken or setup by you, has selective color, and you haven't posted it before. You can read more about CSS guidelines by clicking here.
I have a selective coloring photo for you all today! Now, I know I already showed off a photo of my bachelorette bling here, but I found another pretty shot when I was editing self-shot photos of my rings. (I say 'self-shot' because I am not a professional, and probably never will be. So they are not high-quality. I also didn't want anyone to think I was illegally editing photos from the professional photog who shot my wedding.)
Anyway, here is my photo for this week:
Even though the subject -my bachelorette bling- is the same, there are two major differences between this photo and my previous one: This one was shot with my dad's Nikon D80 (which I borrow constantly... I want my own.) and edited with LR3 (which I got as a gift just after Jon and I were debating buying it for me during their sale a couple weeks ago). The previous one was shot with my Samsung point and shoot camera, and edited with pse8. I seriously love this photo SO. MUCH. MORE!
Before you all link up, I want to thank the 6 of you who participated last week! It was so great to see all of your selective coloring photos. I know I said that I would pick a Top 3 anytime we had 6 or more participants, but I can't leave anyone out! I really tried, but it's too difficult. No one minds, right?!
And one more thing... I have a giveaway going on right now over at my book blog. I am giving away a finished copy of Traci Houston's debut novel, Blood Drive. It's a vampire novel, and it's not for kids/teens. It's got blood, gore, and adult activities. My husband and I both read it, though, and loved it! Click HERE for more info. Low entries, high chances of winning!
Okay, now you can link up. :)

Hi Amy!
Hey we are all winners! Yay!
I adore your bling too ;-)
Woof Amy!
I hate vampire movies.
They are messy, loud and drooly scary.
I love your bling though.
It reminds me of another scary movie The Bride and the Vampire. Er, you're not married to one, are you?
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