Color splash photos are those that have been converted to black and white, but one object has been left colored. Sometimes, it's easy to just isolate your colored object and you're done. Other times, more editing is required, such as adjusting color levels/light/shadow/etc.
This is an open themed link-up, so there won't be any specific themes for your photos. Any photo is fine, as long it has selective color and you haven't posted it before. You can read more about CSS guidelines by clicking here.

And the winner is...
Lui over at Lui is in Heaven! I kept going back to Lui's photo this week because of the gorgeous bokeh in the background. I'm a sucker for bokeh. (CLICK HERE to see it full size.)
Feel free to snag this button
and display it on your blog!

Here is my photo for today. It is a photo of my future MIL's car. My future brother-in-law was in the Navy after he graduated college. He's finished his 5-year stint, but those magnetic flags will probably stay on the car forever.

Your turn to link up!
Woof Amy!
My Keeper won!
And she won with Popsy Sumo on the picture!
Without ME! Again!
What bokeh?
Is it something or somebody dumb?
That could be the two of them.
Drooly Loser
Hi Amy!
Thanks for the win! I got a nice bokeh for you this week!
Maybe its my slow PC but I don't see any of the links! And I love the Navy tags. You must be so proud of him!
I don't know how I missed your challenge before. I'm added it my challenge page!
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