Sunday, October 09, 2011

Color Splash Sunday - Pink Sash

Welcome to Color Splash Sunday!

Color splash photos are those that have been converted to black and white, but one object has been left colored. Sometimes, it's easy to just isolate your colored object and you're done. Other times, more editing is required, such as adjusting color levels/light/shadow/etc.

This is an open themed link-up, so there won't be any specific themes for your photos. Any photo is fine, as long it was taken or setup by you, has selective color, and you haven't posted it before. You can read more about CSS guidelines by clicking here.

My photo for today is another bachelorette party accessory:

It's hanging on my dresser mirror. My dresser has my jewelry box plus some trinkets on it. You can also see my husband's dresser in the mirror.


Tina´s PicStory said...

nice pic. like the mirror reflection :)

Sweepy said...

Woof Amy!
The thing about that sash is that you only get to wear it once. Of course, you can tie your hair with it or tie it around some nosey dog who can't keep his drooly mouth shut.

Drooly yours.