Here's one I shot and processed back in the spring, but never posted.

I haven't answered the questions for Whatcha Say Wednesday in a few weeks, so I figured I'd join in this week.

1. What is a family tradition you’ll pass on to your significant other/kids? There are so many depending on the time of the year or the holiday at hand. One tradition that I recently maintained, even though I don't live at my parents' house anymore, happens the day after Thanksgiving. My family is not too keen on shopping, so we don't bother with Black Friday sales. Instead, we spend the day warming up leftovers, watching holiday movies, and putting up Christmas decorations, namely, the tree. This year, Jon and I spent the morning putting up the tree in our condo. Then, when he went to work, I went to my parents' house and helped them start decorating.
2. How early do you start holiday shopping? It varies. I don't have a set date that I start by, as long as by Thanksgiving, I have an idea of what I am looking for. This year, I started mid-October, just because I found some items at a Hallmark store that had a 50% off sale going on.
3. Pick a song of the day! I cannot even explain how much I LOVE this song.
Where in the nursery rhyme does it say humpty dumpty is an egg?
I never realized... It doesn't actually say! This question got me thinking, so I looked it up. Apparently, back in the 1800's, it was meant as a riddle. Interesting!
Pretty picture and I really love that song. I think I'll keep this one in my head today.
Love that flower pic!
Beautiful shot & great song!
Roses are so beautiful that it doesn't matter if they are in black and white or color! Love it!
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