Black and White Wednesday is run by Lisa over at
The Long Road to China.

I captured this gorgeous sky at Hopeville State Park in Griswold, CT. This park is all about the camping and swimming. I even spent some time photographing some boys that had biked and canoed over, and were swimming in the river. Now that fall has hit New England hardcore, most of my photos are of the changing leaves, which doesn't look as exciting after black & white conversion. So I have been forcing myself to think of my photos in black and white, so I can be sure to have one from each park to post here.
Speaking of New England, you really should be sure to check back tomorrow, Thursday, for something new!
Love it and I have to consciously think black and white as well. It's hard because my brain is in color!
I'm a sucker for nature shots, love it! :D
Beautiful shot! I get the sensation of speed when I look at it.
Erika B
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