First up, we have some music. I am seriously loving the song Give A Little by Hanson. Really, I love all the tracks on their newest album, Shout It Out. I listen to it on repeat while driving for work. But this song, more than the others, has had me shimmying my hips and waving my arms as much as one can while trapped behind a seatbelt.
This video is just a photo slideshow, so you don't have to watch it. Just press play, keep reading the rest of the post, and try not to dance too wildly, especially if you're in a public place (like me, as I'm in B&N typing this up).
While you enjoy the music, you should go check out Mila's Daydreams, a blog in which a creative SAHM tries to imagine her daughter's dreams.

Now, I know that I gripe and complain often about New England weather. It's just too cold for me when it's not summer. And fall is my least favorite season. But sometimes, it's totally worth it. I mean, look at the colors in the photo below. I do so love New England autumns.
One good thing about fall is hot apple cider. I mean, apples in general are pretty tasty, and I love picking them. But the new hot cider from DD is just divine.

Cold weather is coming quickly, so I have been getting out my sweaters and winter clothing. I have to dress in business clothing for work, and my wardrobe has been a bit lacking in that area lately, especially because most of my winter clothes are from college. But who has enough money to buy a new wardrobe these days?? Certainly not me. Luckily, Old Navy has these wonderful sales going on. I got 2 skirts, 2 sweaters, and some socks, all for just under $100. I love saving money!
I'm hoping to splurge a bit soon and get these adorable sweater boots.

That's all I have for today. Let me know if you love the same things as I do!
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