I've got a couple of guest posts lined up for the next few days, and I already scheduled some of my own posts, too. Some days, you might just see a photo from me, for some visual stimulation. Other days, you'll get a tut. And you might just get some random thoughts in there, too.
I want to extend the invitation to guest post. I would love to continue having guest bloggers, even when I get back from vacation. If you are interested, you can email me at yma367 at hotmail.com. Be sure to put "Guest blogging" as the subject, in case it goes in my junk folder. Hope to hear from some of you soon!
On to Black & White Wednesday!

Black and White Wednesday is run by Lisa over at
The Long Road to China.
This little rock tower is probably gone by now, but I found it at Squantz Pond State Park in New Fairfield, CT. It's touted as a four season park, but the main attraction is the little beach. If you check out the Wikipedia page for this pond, there is some interesting information about how settlers acquired the land from the Native Americans.
Have fun on vacation!
I hope you love Orlando!! Btw, who redesigned your blog? I love the new look!
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