Tuesday, May 25, 2010

RAW(e) - Tattoos

I don't have any. Most of my friends don't have any. I guess we're all just too cheap to pay someone to draw on us.

But my older brother has 2 - his name across his back, and this blue thingie on his right shoulder. I keep telling him he needs to get the mirror image on his left shoulder because he's off balance, but he just hasn't gotten around to it.


RAW(e) is run by Sami.
The only photos allowed are those that are


beingzaraandzidan said...

wow! Hes quite daring!

beingzaraandzidan said...

Btw, I told Zara that one of my friend is pretty jealous that u have a great doll house & she doesnt. Zara felt proud (I guessed) & giggled!!

Unknown said...

where did you find this photo? and why feature the yucky one instead of my lightning bolt?

Manicured Teacher said...

Oh wow, that is a cool tattoo. I have two, maybe I should link up...

Bec said...

My brother has 19. Lordy. I've contemplated getting one, but who knows what I'll like in 20 years and I don't want to get sick of something that is so permanent!


Laura said...

Neat photo! I'm big on symmetry too... having that on just one side would bug me! ;-)

emili said...
